We love meeting new people!
If you are a middle schooler or high schooler, or the parent of one, and you have any interest in the youth groups here at Hillcrest here is a link to our Hillcrest Youth page which includes our schedule for the year in the resource section.
At Hillcrest Youth Ministries anyone is welcome anytime. I understand some of the friends that attend events are there for the events only and may not be searching for a youth group. They may be connected at other churches and we praise God for that! We also like to make everyone aware of what we offer, open the door wide for anyone interested, and get you into the communication pipeline. If that is something you would like, here is a registration form & release. By filling it out you will also get reminders via text & email about upcoming events, meetings, and other Hillcrest Youth related information.
A little about Cory, the Pastor of Youth & Young Adults
A little bit about me... I grew up in Hudsonville/Jamestown. Went to Hudsonville High School where I played football, basketball, and baseball and met my future wife Jackie. We’ve been together since we were 16 and we married in 2005. We have 3 boys: Logan, Hunter, & Dylan. I have degrees from Grace Bible College and played basketball there (now Grace Christian University) and Davenport University. I was dual-enrolled...and then later went on to Calvin Theological Seminary after I was in full-time ministry for a few years.
Before coming to Hillcrest in the fall of 2020, I had served as a youth pastor & associate pastor (12 years at Cottonwood CRC), and as a senior/solo pastor (First CRC of Grand Haven) but all through those years I was always involved in youth ministry in some way shape or form, including starting a young adult/college ministry in 2017 (which continues and is a collaborative ministry with several local churches...you can see more about it at rootedyoungadults.com). I’ve been serving youth & young adults since 2001—Since I was one myself! I am passionate about seeing young people walk with the Lord, helping them know how to hear God's truth in His Word and live it out. This has been my life’s work and “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” While they are not my kids, I still feel the same joy when I see them walk humbly with their holy God and know the freedom that comes through Christ.
If I can help come alongside you and/or your student in any way, or you have questions, feel free to contact me. A big part of what I do is walk alongside parents. Don't hesitate to connect.
My contact info:
text/call 616-450-9225
IG: cory_nederveld, youthhillcrest, and rooted.youngadults
In His Service,
Learn more about Hillcrest Youth